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ED Recovery and Food Freedom Coaching
Trust yourself Around Food
Make Peace with Food

OutshiningED is a ED recovery and food freedom coaching program. It’s designed for anyone struggling with diets, eating disorders, disordered eating or binge eating to find freedom and to make peace with food and your body. Our eating disorder recovery and food freedom coaching program will simplify your journey and provide a clear action plan.


Our Mission

We want to EMPOWER every person battling disordered eating to be at peace with food and their body. To do that, our coaches look into strengthening YOU and rewiring your beliefs. We believe you have the knowing, and our coaches simply guide you on how to introduce new beliefs, habits and positive daily practices. We do not believe in diets, judgement or any type of restriction. We DO believe in full recovery and total freedom.

After Lindsay’s seven year struggle with an eating disorder and a lifetime of dieting, God placed it on her heart to create a simple and effective path to food freedom. Lindsay’s team of coaches help their clients identify the motivation they need to take action. She created the food freedom coaching program based on results of interviewing and studying hundreds of people who found freedom from their eating disorders. After observing all the commonalities of these food freedom stories, Lindsay created a program with a step-by-step plan you need to recover, including workbooks, videos, 1:1 coaching calls to guide you to freedom AND 24/7 accountability.

Eating disorder treatment is lacking across the board and misses the mark when it comes to helping people achieve permanent change in their relationship with food. Finding freedom is the most important journey you will go on and you should not feel alone, out of control, shame, hopeless or embarrassed in your struggle. If you’re here reading this, you should feel proud that you are seeking help. We want you to find permanent freedom and lasting change, not temporary momentum only to realize that there’s more work to do.


Is This You?

Does this sound like you? You rationalize everything; you talk yourself INTO things that aren’t good for you and OUT of things that serve you. When you are stressed, anxious, uncertain or ashamed, you turn to food or restriction. You numb yourself from uncomfortable emotions or have habitual practices that don’t serve you. As an over-achiever and perfectionist, you can’t get out of ‘all or nothing’ thinking. Balance is nonexistent. You are sensitive (maybe even an HSP) and empathetic with a big heart.


ED Recovery and Food Freedom Coaching Program

Join the ED Recovery & food freedom coaching program to create your action plan. Get coaching from someone who’s achieved the results you want. Stop overthinking, start doing and take action. Your coach will help you bridge the gap between knowing what to do and actually doing it.

Apply for a Breakthrough Call to speak with Lindsay who can then place you with a coach to guide you to make peace with food. We only work with those who are READY to say goodbye to disordered eating and all the darkness that goes along with it. On the coaching call, we will determine if our ED Recovery and food freedom coaching services can help you or if we should refer you to someone else. Either way, you will leave the call with a tangible action item and make forward momentum towards creating the food peace you want.