Hi, I’m Ashley. I work with individuals, executives, teams, and companies to change well. In the corporate world, I work with executives and companies to implement and adopt change across thousands of employees. As a coach, I partner with individuals to empower their desired transformation, healing, and ultimately freedom. I am an eating disorder and executive coach, a yoga and pilates instructor, a former middle school teacher, and a #changelover.
For much of my life, I resisted change. I wanted to keep my body a certain size, avoid feelings of uncertainty, and manage discomfort. I struggled with food and body image for years. At 11, I went on my first diet and by 16 developed an eating disorder. Over the years, I cycled through diets, eating disorder behaviors, and alcohol in an effort to control myself and the world around me to numb the feelings I could not control. I believed a story that I had to make myself smaller to be good enough, to be loved, and to be accepted.
My healing journey led me through yoga, therapy, radical self care, and to this coaching program with Lindsay. Through the OutshiningED coaching program, I learned to listen for and value my own voice, to live in the joy and to love my values, and befriend my body. I have learned that I write my story.
I currently live in San Antonio, Texas with my husband and three kids. I spend as much time as possible hiking and exploring, enjoying dance parties, or writing and reading.